Monday, October 11, 2010

Drs feeling the burnout!

There's no doubt that being a physician is a huge responsibility. All day long patients' lives are in our hands but seeing 20 of them a day is draining, even 4-5 can drain you! No wonder doctors get burned out. And heaven forbid if patients have social issues.  Or the ones who have a laundry list of everything hurts complaints like it's the drivethru, or those who are non complaint and don't follow care plans. What about ones that don't take their medications to those who demand unnecessary meds like antibiotics, narcotics, or even referrals.  Patients can even question your knowledge and clinical judgment, or be just plain mean, rude, demanding and/or unsympathetic!

And the internet doesn't help often sources of information are unreliable sites not developed by medical professionals, just feeding into those with anxiety, hypochondriacs or folks with some education thinking they now know more than you!

All this adds up to burnout and the makings of many not so pleasant days when physicians don't have enough support of any kind at work.  And if one has any family, personal, health or any life issues seeing these types of patients doesn't help.

See link article by Dr. A Schroll from blog.


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